Friday 16 March 2012

Meeting Jesus

Hello again,

Sorry it's been a long time since my last blog - I think I've only managed the one in 2012, and look where we are! March! Springtime!

Bit of an overload on the exclamation marks there, apologies. 'Springtime' itself seems a bit of a misnomer, seeing as the weather barely got wintry all through the ostensibly cold months of the year.

Not quite out of the woods yet, as there is still time for a few frosts and a deluge of downpours - something the farmers around here are certainly hoping for. Queue copious references to hosepipes, standpipes and 1976.

In the three months (plus) since my last posts, there's been a deluge of another kind as I've got going with taking kids on sessions. Not as frantic as it will be come summertime, but there's certainly been enough to be getting on with, and a torrent of names to try and learn (before replacing them with new arrivees) as I adjust to 'real people' trusting me with my rope work or orienteering skills.

The allocation of instructors to children is still a ratio that's weighted in our favour, which has been tremendously helpful in having opportunity to chat to them. I was timetabled on a couple of archery sessions last week, but spent most of the time talking to the kids about famous people they'd like to meet or teaching them the song 'Only a Boy Called David'. Sunday School comes in helpful!

Those two groups in particular were great chances to speak a word for Jesus - He is the famous person is told them I've already met. One of the girls replied, 'What, like in the Bible?' I was so pleased to be able to tell her an emphatic 'Yes!'

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